
1. Avoiding the cost of litigation

1. Avoiding the cost of Litigation No one likes going to court. It’s expensive, time-consuming, and stressful. If you’re embroiled in a family law dispute, the last thing you want is to have to go to court and fight it out with your ex.So, what’s the alternative?Mediation is a process whereby you and your ex can sit down with a neutral third party and try to come to an agreement on the outstanding issues. This can be anything from child custody and visitation to property division and spousal support.While mediation does not guarantee that you will reach an agreement, it is a much more amicable and cost-effective way of resolving your differences. In fact, many family lawyers will encourage their clients to try mediation before resorting to litigation.

2. Preserving relationships

One of the primary reasons my clients in Brisbane,the Gold Coast and Northern Rivers choose mediation over litigation is because it helps preserve relationships. If a separating couple chooses to go to court, then those proceedings will require them to badmouth each other to the judge, simply to protect their best interests. This can get ugly fast, and further damage an already fragile relationship.Mediation, on the other hand, involves sitting down with a neutral third-party mediator and trying to come to an agreement in an amicable way. The mediator will help facilitate discussion and ensure that both parties remain respectful and civil throughout the process.Mediation can help couples come to a consensus that works for both parties, and it has the added benefit of helping to preserve the relationship between them. This can be incredibly important when children are involved, as the parents will need to maintain some kind of relationship if they are to successfully co-parent.

3. Achieving a fair outcome

When couples choose to use mediation, they can be more assured that the outcome will be fair and balanced because it is not skewed in favour of either party. In the Family Courtthe judge will ultimately make a decision based on the evidence that is presented, and the outcome might not be as balanced or fair as what the couple would have sorted out in mediation.In family mediation, the mediator helps couples come to a resolution, allowing them to find a middle ground that is suitable for both the parties. This results in a much more balanced outcome and the agreement can be tailored to the particular situation of that family. Mediation can reach outcomes that are more favourable for both parties, and it is this kind of fairness that appeals to many of my Brisbane, Gold Coast and Northern Rivers families who would prefer to resolve things amicably in order to maintain their relationships.

4. Moving on with your life

One of the major advantages of mediation is that it allows the parties to make a clean break and move on with their lives. Divorce can be a stressful and difficult process, but legal battles in court can drag on for far longer, leaving parties feeling stuck in a limbo-like state.Since mediation is much quicker and more direct than the court system, my Brisbane, GoldCoast and Northern Rivers clients movedthrough the divorce process faster. The decisions and arrangements that couples make in mediation can help them restart their lives and put the past behind them.

5. Mediation is confidential

Most couples who choose to undergo family mediation do so because the process is confidential. Unlike court battles which are public affairs, mediation takes place in a private setting and the issues discussed remain between the couple and the mediator. The information disclosed in mediation is also inadmissible in court and the mediator is not allowed to reveal to anyone the information discussed between the couple. For this reason, couples can have their difficult conversations in complete confidence and trust that their private information and matters discussed will remain confidential. It also ensures that the specific details of their divorce and shared assets will not be available publicly. This confidentiality is a valuable and much-needed aspect of the divorce process that helps couples discuss any delicate or sensitive issues without being worried about them becoming public. This is particularly important for my clients in Brisbane, Gold Coast and Northern Rivers people where they can be well known in the community.

6. You control the process

One of the biggest advantages of family mediation is that couples have control over their process. The mediation process allows a couple to decide on their own what works best for them in terms of the issues related to their divorce, including financial matters and parenting arrangements. They have a better chance at finding a solution that works for both of them than could be attained through court litigation.Couples who are dealing with complex and financially interconnected situations benefit greatly from this control that the mediation process gives them. During the process, the couple will outline their individual interests, find areas where they can compromise, discuss the impact of various decisions, and ultimately make decisions that best suit their shared interests. Moreover, designing their own agreement helps families to save time and money. Mediation is much quicker and cheaper than negotiation through the court system. Many families also find it easier to maintain a cordial relationship between the two parties after the divorce since the proceedings were conducted in a fair and respectful manner.



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